The big deal about "Act of Valor," in case you were
unaware, is that it stars not actors, but real-life, active duty Navy SEALs,
and the story is reportedly based on "real acts of valor" as the
movie says in the opening disclaimer. What that means is that while the story
is obviously a work of fiction in the most Tom Clancy-esqe fashion, the phrase
"acts of valor" gives them a lot of wiggle room. Kind of like,
"Yes, it's true that a SEAL dove on a grenade to save his squad once, but
we'll put it into an entirely different context involving a shootout with the
Mexican Cartel. Therefore the act is still true, but it fits into our movie
I don't know how I feel about that. I think on some level, I
would just prefer a true story. Aren't the SEALs interesting enough to begin
with? Why do real things have to be implanted into an over-the-top, blow-up-the-world
fantasy that reads like Jack Bauer's fanfic? Maybe it's just me, but I almost
feel like that diminishes it in some weird way.
"Act of Valor" was pretty much exactly how I
imagined it would be: really good action with absolutely horrible acting. And I
was right. When "Act of Valor" is in full swing in its comfort zone,
that being the combat, it is an absolutely thrilling experience that is not
dissimilar to being wrapped in an American flag, set on fire and blasted out of
a cannon while cranking Ted Nugent.
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It's kind of like that. |
But for as often as it's in its comfort zone, there are
plenty of moments when we are forced to strap in and endure some of the most teeth-grindingly
bad acting you can imagine. I thought from the beginning that casting real Navy
SEALs was a pretty sharp double-edged sword, because as good as the action
might be, unless they were playing a squad who had had their vocal chords
removed in order to ensure quiet approaches, it could get ugly quick.
I mean, there's a reason we have actors in movies. They can
act. Not every SEAL can be Jessie Ventura, as "Act of Valor" clearly
proved. And Jessie wasn't necessarily that good, he was just in stuff that
played to his strengths, those being holding big guns and grunting badass one
liners about not having time to bleed. You don't need Willem Dafoe for that,
although now I really wish he had been in "Predator," too.
What baffles me is how much of this horrible acting we are
subjected to. They really wanted to push hard the notion that these guys can
hold their own in the acting department and carry the drama of the story in
their dialogue, but they just can't. Give them a gun and something to shoot at and
they're golden, but that's only about half the movie. That's a lot of action,
mind you, but it feels like less because of how long the talky scenes feel like
they go on for, that feeling being "eternity."
The most complicated dialogue coming from these guys mouths
should be variations of "America, F*#k Yeah!" and "GROG
SMASH!" But they're given heart-wrenching monologues about making it home
to your wife and babies and stuff, and you just feel bad watching these poor
guys embarrasses themselves trying to do it. I almost wanted to yell,
"They don't deserve this! That's too cruel! Let them shoot something, for
Odin's sake!" It almost makes the action not worth it.
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Hey, why don't you guys recon yourselves some actors? |
There were a number of other little things that really bugged me.
First and foremost were some very strange design choices. The movie is very
fond of this weird heads up display that appears whenever a new SEAL is
introduced, which pops up with his name, rank, photo, accommodations and other
things, which are abbreviated in military jargon that I didn't understand. It's
almost like you are on your computer and you get a little popup menu when you
click on the guy. This fourth wall shattering gimmick is just so weird that I
had to ask myself "why?" each time it came up. And it's not like it
tells you anything. They all look the same under their helmets and camo
anyways. Knowing their names didn't really help.
Another thing I'm on the fence about is the use of first
person perspective, and boy do they use it a lot. It took me a second to
process, but I realized after a while that it's like "Call of Duty."
In fact, it's exactly like "Call of Duty." Huh. Imagine that. The
movie that is basically "Call of Duty: The Movie" has a lot of FPS
sequences. I would say that it's like the FPS sequence of "Doom," but
honestly that scene in "Doom" made a lot more sense in context. I
mean, it works in "Act of Valor," but it just comes off as being
there just…because they could.
Oh! And remember "travel by map" from "The
Muppets?" Yeah, they totally do that. A lot.
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The opening scene. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything and is completely pointless, but enjoy the keys jangling in your face, |
I've spent a lot of time nitpicking "Act of Valor"
because honestly, I didn't like it when there wasn't any action on screen. In
fact, I found a good portion of the drama, about half the film, to be unwatchable. However, like
I said before, the action that is in it, although there should have been more,
was very well done. My favorite segment was a rescue operation in the jungle
which I would put up there with some of the most exciting and intense military
action scenes I've seen in years. Everything was executed perfectly, with just
the right amount of tension beforehand to amplify the chaos of the battle. Talk about
slamming popcorn in your mouth.
THE BOTTOM LINE - "Act of Valor" is half Rambo, half recruitment poster. Yeah, it's
chest-thumping propaganda, but as far as propaganda goes, it's well done. However, the acting
is going to hurt. Bad. Segal would look Oscar-worthy next to these guys. Ouch. Recommended solely for the action…but rent it.
you're lucky I like you!! I agree with your thoughts on the film. Yes the acting was um yeah, pretty bad. But what I got out of the overall scheme of the whole production was this: They aren't actors so its almost as if were watching an almost history channel-esque type of thing with more explosions. I also think they tried to down play the emotional stuff in those lengthy dialogue scenes. I mean we know they're bad asses but I think their words more than their acting skills really do come from their hearts. Now as far as the Michael Bay stuff, well, I thought the DP's were really sharp as far as the action sequences and visionary perspective. It's in the details more so that trying to recognize each actor/ um I mean Seal in each shot. As far as not being a true story as a whole, as many of their "ops" are classified in the real world, it made much more sense to kind of collaborate a compilation of True ACTs rather than do a complete story of something that might be true. that part I GET! The jargon ....well this was made for military vets primarily so, again I GET it. But I understand how it would confuse a portion of the civilian audience. (but chances are if any fan of this film does play any video games of war they'll figure it out). The map and character pop-ups I think were just another nice little techy-touch to the telling of the story. In closing, the main point I should leave you with is only this: Its basically a nice tribute to those guys that DO that stuff for a living and a nod to those military brethren past present future as well as fallen troops who gave their lives for our country. Oh and that opening HALO scene, (that would stand for high altitude-low opening) where it has no significance on the rest of the film? It was cause they CAN! Ever jump out of a perfectly good aircraft? I have my friend, and other than s*****ng yourself on exit it's probably one of the most bad ass-iest things one could ever do! I highly recommend it! But don't let me take anything away from your review. Keep em coming!!