Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest (2009)

(This is a re-posting of a Facebook note I did in December 2011.)

You know, I think I just figured out one of the reasons I don't like these movies. It's Noomi Rapace's face. No, not in that way. I'm talking about her expressions. Or lack thereof in this particular case. Now, I'm not saying that Noomi is a bad actress, because I don't think that she is. I just think she's been given a boring as hell, obnoxious character that I am incapable of feeling anything towards. And I don't think that is supposed to be the case.

Anyways. Noomi seems to want to play this character much the same way Kristen Stewart (who IS a bad actress, mind you) chose to play Bela Swan, that being a blank slate with 2 expressions. Now, Noomi's two expressions for this series is 1) pissed off and 2) spaced out. Of course to Noomi's credit, that's one more expression than Kristen Stewart was able to conjure onto to her chipmunk-cheeked, stoner-eyed, big-forheaded stupid face. (Sorry getting sidetracked. Stupid Twilight rage.)

Can't tell if she's scared or if she remembers she left the tap running at home

You see this blank deer-in-headlights look? This is her face for nearly every single scene. Eyes bugging out of her head, mouth agape as her chin digs into her throat. When you see her in profile she looks not unlike a snapping turtle. It's just such a weird expression that I don't know what it is that she's trying to convey. Is it fear? Intense concentration? Apathy? Her war face? Constipation? (The answer to all of these is "yes," by the way.)

Come to think of it, she kind of has the same expression as Jessie Eisenberg.

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest is really a courtroom drama at its core. Lisbeth is rescued and is recuperating at the hospital after getting shot in the head, but the same people who wanted her dead now REALLY want her dead. The whole movie is leading up to her trial, and I never really quite understood WHAT she was being charged with, because the confusion from The Girl Who Played With Fire kinds of spills over into this one for me.

I mean, I know that she has been charged with attempted murder, but the movie seems to conveniently forget that, and instead focuses on her being accused of being crazy. Instead of focusing on the charge that Lisbeth performed some armed B&E with the intent to kill her father (which she totally did), the trial becomes more of a question of "does Lisbeth belong in the nut house?"

I was wondering why this was, then I found the answer: Because that way we can show that she was abused and raped by her doctor. Rape quota met.


And no, I'm not going to stop gripping about this. The rape just really bothers me with how predominant it is. Because at this point, that's all Lisbeth Salander IS. She is a walking lump of rape. Her entire existence is defined by this one thing, and I just don't see how that makes her a strong, likable female character. Would YOU like to be defined by that one thing if you were a lady (if you're not)? I think I would find that degrading and insulting, if you ask me. But that is what we are given with the character of Lisbeth. Congratulations, all the fans and followers of this series: Your protagonist is a walking billboard that says "I WAS RAPED AND THAT'S ALL I'VE GOT."

You know there's more to life than just that, don't you? I mean, yes it's tragic when something like that happens but isn't it a stronger sign of one's character to rise above it? Otherwise, like I said, that's all you are.

Another thing sticking in my craw is that it is brought up time and time again at the trial that Lisbeth is not capable of making adult decisions, because she is mentally incompetent. The defense argues violently that she is totally competent, and more than able to make adult decisions and take responsibility. Kind of a weird strategy when the main defense is that she was made to do these things because of a lifetime of abuse. So what exactly is it, Lisbeth? Are you incompetent and simply a walking ball of inconsolable rage, or are you an adjusted adult capable of making mature decisions? YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS.

But here is the kicker. The real coup de grâce. Remember me saying in the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo post that I could see Lisbeth being found not guilty on account of "She was raped that one time." Well, guess I'm psychic because that is EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS.

I couldn't believe it. The court skips past all her transgressions because they show the video evidence of the dude in the first movie raping her to the judge, and that's all it takes for her to get a free pass for everything she's done.

Excuse me? I don't want to sound like a total asshole but what possible relevance does that have to her attempting to kill her father? The correct answer is F@#! ALL. If I were the judge I would have that thrown out as inadmissible so fast it'd make Lisbeth's mohawk spin. It's a court of justice for a reason, and for a series which gets so hung up on justice prevailing in a corrupt system, it's the system being corrupt and inept that gives Lisbeth her free pass to get away with anything, which the movie considers justice!

Makes about as much sense as this.

Am I the only one who has a problem with this? I guess so, since I haven't heard anyone else bitching about this stuff. But you know what? I stand by my opinions, and anyone who disagrees, well, good for you, but I prefer my protagonists to be better than this.

Oh, and the ending is crap, too.

Well, glad THAT'S over with. Now if you'll excuse me, I feel like I need a shower after all that sleaze and hairspray. I'll be sure to be looking over my shoulder for the Stieg Larsson fanboys ready to go all "Lisbeth Salander" on me.

1 comment:

  1. Well said Dude. I think the answer to every question you posed is: STIEG LARSSON IS A LOUSY WRITER AND STORYTELLER! It's obvious from the books that he has done ZERO research. What a hack!
